Clients & Projects

Below is a reverse-chronological list of clients serviced by John Giles as an independent consultant or with an assembled team, including those projects involving earlier consulting organisations.

Bupa (Australia & New Zealand)

Provided consulting advice and hands-on modelling for the Data Vault component of a larger data platform initiative.

Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust (SMCT)

Supported a project to deliver integrated data to the enterprise, incorporating Master Data Management (MDM) and Data Vault components in the solution.

Portable Long Service Authority (PLSA)

Facilitated the selection and deployment of an IT system to underpin the day-to-day operations of the newly-formed authority responsible for providing long service portability, initially for workers in the cleaning, security and community services sectors.

Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine

Responsible for (1) redesign of the database for the core forensic medicine case management application, and (2) articulation of the longer-term enterprise data architecture.

ANZ Bank

Contributed to the development of Data Vault modelling standards.

Participated in guiding the overall ANZ approach to application of enterprise conceptual models to Data Vault implementation.

As a member of “agile” Data Vault delivery projects, responsible for defining the foundational Data Vault model to span enterprise reuse and project delivery.

Yarra Valley Water

Responsible for development of an enterprise-wide logical information model.

Facilitated a series of “pain point” workshops, and contributed to the resultant review and refinement of the IT strategy.

Designed the Operational Data Vault (ODV) which formed the foundation of the “Yarra 360” operational integration initiative. Acted as the data architect in the development of its first iteration which focused on provision of a 360-degree view of water meters.

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

AHPRA is a national agency, overseeing the initial registration, and on-going monitoring, of Australia’s health professionals. Data architecture consultancy responsibilities for AHPRA included:

  • Development of an enterprise-wide logical information model, and complementary conceptual models.
  • Construction of a proof-of-concept database, and population with representative samples, from legacy stores of structured data.
  • Design and construction of the next generation enterprise data warehouse, based on Dan Linstedt’s Data Vault architecture.

Department of Sustainability & Environment – Fire Management

Responsible for development of a Common Information Model (CIM) as the basis of data integration within the department, and as the architectural foundation for information exchange between multiple emergency-response agencies both within Victoria and in related jurisdictions, initially to manage wildfires, but to also be adaptable for other emergencies such as floods and earthquakes.

The CIM was solidly based on proven international patterns and standards. Core responsibilities for the CIM were to:

  • Assist person-to-person communication across diverse agencies through the articulation of a common vocabulary.
  • Shape technical implementation designs for:
    • XML data payloads for a service-oriented architecture (SOA) layer.
    • Physical databases for bespoke development, and data standard benchmarks to be used in evaluation of commercial-off-the-shelf solutions.
    • An operational data store.
    • A data warehouse (if required).
    • The vocabulary component of an intended business rules engine.

The implementation guidelines provide targeted solution options for consideration during physical design stages.

John Holland

Developed an enterprise-wide information model to support John Holland, Australia’s largest contracting engineering / energy & resources business, as the basis of:

  • Integration planning across John Holland’s diverse units.
  • Physical database design for a core bespoke solution.

Monash University

Prepared a baseline conceptual model against which an “ontological” model could be compared as part of a research initiative.


As part of the Enterprise Information Architecture group, supported the Telstra “Transformation” initiative, focussing on data architecture issues for the core product & service domain.

Extended the TM Forum’s industry-wide Shared Information / Data (SID) model (subsequently known as Frameworx) through the submission & acceptance of 8 recommendation papers.

Fulfilled a data architecture and technical lead role in the development of a highly configurable product & service catalogue.


Led the research & development (R&D) effort for the service catalogue development, resulting in a successful application for a government R&D concession.

Australian Air Express

Provided information architecture consultancy, involving:

  • Development of a skeletal corporate class model.
  • Critical evaluation of a core operational package’s data architecture by comparative analysis against the “ideal” corporate model.
  • Support for setting a data warehouse strategy, including design of a preliminary staging database.


Developed a corporate conceptual class model to support:

  • An overall strategic IT planning exercise.
  • Detailed database design for one customer-centric application plus a data warehouse redevelopment.

Australian Vinyls

Drafted a high-level corporate class model as an input into a systems integration initiative.

Media Monitors

Provided mentorship in an enterprise-wide strategic integration project that used Unified Modeling Language standards and Rational Unified Process workflows.

Catchment & Agriculture Services, Department of Primary Industries

Acted as lead technical architect for a recommendation on enabling technologies to facilitate 2-way communication between all levels of the department and the public.

Forests Service / Fire Management Branch

Infrared Linescan Request management

Developed a class model, and supported overall design & specification, for a system to manage requests for infrared linescan map generation.

Generation of timesheet award payments for emergency services

Supported development of a technical design & specification for a system to provide significant automation of the generation of overtime payments for emergency services personnel. This often involves relatively complex award interpretation logic. The interpretation engine held the award rules in a form that could be maintained by people familiar with the award while being dynamically interpreted by the system, without the need for programmers.

Darren Wicks c/- Caulfield Grammar music department

Initiated a data model to support development of a web-based library of folk music scores, with technical analysis of the scores. (Project abandoned due to the subsequent American release of a similar product.)


Performed a brief evaluation of technology options to support data warehousing of results captured via web-based market research.

ACS Stockdale

Drafted a data model to support a rewrite of their conference management system.

Chemical Standards, Department of Primary Industries

Developed a strategic plan for consolidation of the core systems.

Salvation Army

Performed a brief review of a conceptual class  model to be used as the foundation for development of an integrated solution to support a variety of social programme outreach initiatives (elderly, unemployed, drug & alcohol, etc).

Members Equity / Core banking system

Supported an initiative to implement changes to business processes and associated IT systems for their core banking functions. Responsibilities included:

  • Preparation of an enterprise-wide data model reflecting ME’s vision for the future.
  • Provision of technical support in business process reengineering workshops, particularly in relation to securitisation.
  • Critical evaluation of candidate package software solution(s).
  • Project plan preparation:
    • Preparation of a subproject plan for data migration.
    • Joint responsibility for subsequent consolidation of all subprojects into a master plan with a shared resource pool.
    • Co-development of a series of alternative plans focussing on phased deployment.
  • Project management of, and technical involvement in, data migration.
  • Provision of advice on strategic data management issues.

Crown Land Management, Department of Sustainability & Environment / Public Land Usage Service

Prepared a business vision statement, use cases and an architectural framework as the foundation for development of a web-based system to manage public land assets.

Information & Communications Technology, Department of Primary Industries / Online Ordering & Sales

Developed use cases to assist in project scope and requirements definition for a system to provide generic web-based online purchasing facilities for products as diverse as recreational fishing licences, cattle ear tags and miner’s rights for prospecting.

Minerals & Petroleum Division, Department of Primary Industries / Corporate Information Architecture

Developed an enterprise-wide information architecture as part of the “Deeply On-Line” initiative to provide web-based services to international clients. Preparatory work included development of use cases, and reverse engineering legacy system data structures. Project extension work included application of the conceptual information architecture to a specific database design requirement.

Land Victoria / Landata XML Standards

Acted as lead consultant in the development of XML standards for delivery of land title search information. Project involved consideration and consolidation of evolving national land title XML standards, national name & address data standards, DSE Land Exchange project requirements, and legacy system constraints.

Forests Service / Sustainable Yield Forest Modelling

Performed an analysis of system & data flows for processes to generate statistical models of forest growth and sustainable harvesting of timber. Prepared data models for a data warehouse to support archival and analysis of statistical model outputs.

Forests Service / State Recreation & Tourism

Prepared a class model to support the management of recreational facilities (walking tracks, camping grounds, toilet blocks, etc.), and to facilitate web-based public access. Incorporated integration of geo-spatial representation for the facilities.

Salvation Army

Prepared a corporate class model for the Salvation Army’s southern territory, providing a consistent architectural framework for management of the systems portfolio. Prepared a companion document recommending radical changes to the systems development / acquisition approach.

Land Registry / EC (Electronic Conveyancing)

Had primary responsibility for the overall technology architecture. Specific responsibilities included:

  • Draft design of the architectural framework
  • Development of use case specifications
  • Design of the EC business domain class model. Joint effort to develop a consolidated model across associated projects
  • Management of the user prototype design
  • Assistance with business-to-IT communication, including presentations to specialist working groups


Electronic Conveyancing (EC) is an initiative managed by Land Victoria but involving external stakeholders such as solicitor and conveyancing professional groups, real estate agent groups, retail banks & financial institutions, and the Reserve Bank of Australia. It was initially targeted to meet Victoria’s requirements, but has been endorsed by the registrars in all Australian jurisdictions.

It pushed the boundaries of e-commerce, requiring over 280 acts of parliament to be revised, plus the ability to securely handle tens of $ billions, in Victoria alone.

It won the 2001 AEEMA Australian Award for Excellence in Research and Development.

National Parks & Wildlife Services, NSW and Dobbin Consulting

Prepared a benchmark data model plus evaluation checklists to support selection between alternative IT solutions for management of firefighter training within National Parks & Wildlife Services, NSW.

Agriculture Quality Assurance / Plant Standards

Acted as lead consultant for the preparation of a data model aimed at consolidating databases from multiple existing systems (as used for the protection of our state’s agricultural resources from threats such as fruit fly and plant disease), plus providing a flexible solution for the future.

Acted as advisory consultant in the development of the associated function specification.

Sub-contracted to Corporate Services to provide strategic advice on development strategies.

Forests Service / Fire Management Branch

Training & Accreditation module

Took responsibility for overall project management as well as much of the detailed analysis and design of the fire Training & Accreditation system. Initiated a number of significant improvements to work practices made possible by the system design.

Project Fire Fighters

Developed a data model to support management of seasonal employment of additional fire fighters.

Minerals & Petroleum Victoria

Managed two facilitated workshops addressing long term business strategies and short term IT tactics, including initiating development of a high-level corporate data model.

Salvation Army

Joined the Southern Territory’s Information Technology & Telecommunication Board of Management in an advisory capacity.

Dept. of Natural Resources and Environment / Game & Wildlife

Reverse engineered database designs from several systems, and then developed a consolidated, generic licensing data model.

Forests Service / Fire Management Branch

Integrated Fire Information System (IFIS) project

Designed the data model to support redevelopment of an integrated incident control / emergency response system. Managed the development and population of the proof-of-concept database.


As a result of the IFIS modelling exercise, two significant changes of scope and perspective were adopted.

    • Firstly, it was accepted that business processes should be generalised to handle not only wildfires but also “incidents” such as floods, outbreak of contagious disease, oil spills, etc.
    • Secondly, a radically different business perspective was recognised, namely that business processes should be focussed on management of resources rather than the management of “fires”.

Collectively, these changes allowed the solution to be made much more adaptable to future changes in direction. At the 14th National Technology in Government Awards Dinner, received a gold award.

Integrated Resource Information System (IRIS) project

Extended the Integrated Fire Information System’s analysis and design models to incorporate resource co-ordination and management at wild fires. Deliverables included Use Case Diagrams and Class Models using the UML notation.

Australian Wheat Board (AWB)

Supplier Management System project

Took primary responsibility for development of a data model relating to co-ordinating supply & demand of grain from farmers. Role included support for business process reengineering initiatives.


Roles included facilitator, analyst and designer in a team involved in reengineering the entire Australian grain industry. The proposed solution would involve changes such as:

    • Privatisation of the AWB.
    • Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of field representatives through mobile computing facilities and integrated data sharing across all client-related activities. This was a direct factor in drastic staff reduction.
    • Development of new types of grain purchase contracts.

The final consultancy deliverable was detailed proposal and development specification.

Sea Freight project

Performed the preliminary requirements analysis and system design for the sea freight operations management system.


Prepared comprehensive system specifications for a market loyalty programme. Designed a parameter driven solution that allowed end-users to define and maintain award point computation rules.


Origination managed “loyalty programmes” on behalf of client consortiums. A break-through in the IT system development was the design of an interpretative engine for “award point” calculations.

Office of Information Technology (NSW)

Prepared data quality guidelines to be used across all NSW government agencies.

National Mutual

Completed several projects including:

  • A quality assurance review of the lending data model.
  • Design of a data warehouse for the loans department.
  • Data quality analysis on the Equity Research database. Prepared recommendations for the clean-up of current data stocks and for filtration of future flows.


Prepared an overall data warehouse strategy for Cussons (Australia and New Zealand), and designed and project managed the Phase 1 implementation.

Office of Housing

Performed sampling measurements on the quality of existing core data, and prepared a recommendation for on-going data quality analysis and correction.

Salvation Army

Completed several projects:

  • Defined a strategy for the replacement of the territorial fund raising system.
  • Managed the preparation of documentation to be used in benchmarking external vendor offers of package acquisition or software development for the Salvation Army’s replacement fund raising system.
  • Designed and built a proof-of-concept data warehouse for analysis of case management statistics.

Ansett Airlines

Performed two projects relating to the use of the CASE tool, IEF:

  • Prepared a recommendation on the cost effective use of IEF within Ansett.
  • Initiated a post-assignment review for the pilot project intended to evaluate IEF’s suitability as a CASE tool for Ansett.

Gas & Fuel

Supported the Overall Architecture group as they moved towards a multi-business breakup of the corporation. Major responsibilities included formulation of design principles for the application teams, and issue management / resolution.

Designed and managed the build and initial population of a repository documenting system-to-system interfaces and associated data ownership.

Victoria Police

Supported several of this client’s data integration initiatives. A major contribution was the design, development and initial population of a proof-of-concept applications inventory tool. This tool allowed the client to capture and analyse the logical corporate data model, cross referenced to multiple application models.

Wool International Holdings

Performed a number of tasks relating to the development of a new strategy for the wool industry including:

  • A status review of the integrated development strategy
  • Development of data models for several modules
  • Construction of the corporate data model as a consolidation of the analysis modules
  • Database design
  • Technical advice throughout the development cycle


A major reengineering of the Australian wool industry was proposed by the government. The consultant’s initial responsibility was to review the technical elements of an overall industry strategy. Resulting recommendations were accepted, and the contract was extended to span the entire systems development cycle until taken over by a joint venture between the government authorities and two private companies.

Australian Army

Completed two separate projects, namely:

  • Provision of CASE tool and ICOM modelling support for the strategy planning team
  • Initiation of a proof-of-concept project for modelling the Army’s logistic network


Corporate Finance project

Performed object-oriented analysis and design using Rumbaugh methodology and CASE tools for an application to provide control of chart of account code sets.

Breakthrough: Data Quality project

Managed Telstra’s first statistically rigorous data quality initiative. Analysed the results and directed efforts towards cost effective improvement. Also designed the support tools and procedures which allow the client to continually improve data quality.

Systems Inventory Dictionary (SID) project

Provided data and function modelling assistance when Telstra reverse engineered more than 40 major applications, then mapped the results to corporate models and loaded them to a purpose-built repository which allowed comparative analysis for strategic planning, application architecture and migration planning purposes. Subsequently extended the repository to hold high-level application portfolio information, and managed the collection, loading and publication of this information.

Coles Myer Officeworks

Planned and led Joint Requirement Planning workshops attended by all senior staff.


Coles Myer are one of Australia’s largest retailers. Consultancy responsibilities included facilitation of the strategic planning sessions that resulted in the national roll-out of a supermarket-like new business venture called Officeworks which later became a very successful subsidiary of Coles Myer.

Ansett Airlines, Melbourne

Directed and performed high-level modelling, analysis and design using ECT (a CASE tool), for a Human Resources system. Managed the client’s first CICS/DB2 project, commencing the project by building an infrastructure of re-useable code modules that were the foundation for not only the HR project but also several subsequent projects.

Built components of an active dictionary/repository.

ACI Computer Services / Livestock Electronic Auction by Description (LEAD)

Designed, and managed the development and deployment of the LEAD system, which was later replaced by CALM (Computer Aided Livestock Marketing). The solution involved the development of special-purpose hardware for bidding rooms.


Traditionally, Australian livestock have been sold at stockyards. There is significant expense in transporting livestock to and from the yards, especially if a sale is not achieved. Further, the livestock can be stressed or damaged in the process. Finally, buyers have logistics problems in attending auctions all over a vast continent. A radical reengineering of the entire industry was proposed, namely to leave the livestock on the farm, electronically publish a sales catalogue, and perform world-wide, real-time auctions.

LEAD and its successor operated successfully for well over a decade.

White Industries: Railway Construction

Managed system selection, implementation, and user training for systems to support a construction project in remote NSW.


The New South Wales government commenced construction of a railway through difficult terrain during the 1930’s depression years as a job creation program. The project was abandoned some two decades later. In the early 1980’s, the project was restarted to provide rail access to valuable coal deposits. However, it was mandated that the entire project would take no more than 18 months.

The consultancy role was initiated at very short notice. Responsibilities included the formation of the entire IT department for the new venture, based in a portable sheds located in outback Australia. A period of 6 weeks was allowed for establishment of the entire operation, covering contour mapping, earthworks cut-&-fill optimisation, project planning and costing, and sundry supports such as general ledger and payroll. Computer hardware, networks software and trained staff were provided within the target timeframe.

Australian Broadcasting Tribunal (ABT)

Designed and developed a system to support a share registry system for the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal.


The catalyst for reengineering the business processes within the ABT was an act of parliament demanding new restrictions on radio and TV licenses. Consultant responsibilities included:

    • Working with the client to interpret the act and to develop appropriate work practices.
    • Design and development of the entire IT system.

The consultant received a formal award from IBM Australia for the work done on this project.